dinsdag 25 november 2014

Behind The Scenes Look #2

Aaaaand we're back with another "behind the scenes" look at my latest commission. So this one was actually pretty challenging due to the big scale.  And this time around I had to illustrate two superheroes.  I've started with sketching some thumbnails in my sketchbook, just to experiment with ( for the lack of a better word)"balance" and positions on paper. 

After I got that down, I've started working out some details with pencils. Both character were sketched on two different pieces of paper, scanned and then imported in Photoshop. Then I've started inking( also know a most challenging process or so I've thought, before I've got into coloring. Not too say that inking was easy.

The flats were done pretty quickly, but the "cut & grad"coloring method still take me some time to get used too. Also I had to look up some coloring theories again. Finaly the characters were done! But piece still felt a little empty, so I've added some background. Again, a very challenging stage.

After searching for some references, I've managed to pull it of. The trick was to make the background look good, but not put too much details into it or else, it would draw attention away from my characters. Again "balance" was the key word! In the end I've decided to add some special effects, just to bring more that action/heroic feel into it. I was learning  something every step of the way I have to say I'm pretty happy with result and so were my clients!

Ow and before I go, I'll leave you guys with a small teaser from my next commission. Enjoy!

Ow and before I go, I'll leave you guys with a small teaser from my next commission. Enjoy!

zondag 9 november 2014

Behind The Scenes

Hey guys! Thought I take some time to show you a little "behind the scenes" of my last project. It all started  out as a rough pencil sketch ( with the help of some reference pictures I took) on paper. I scanned it, modified some things here and there in Photoshop. Then imported the sketch into illustrator and started inking. This is the fun part. I jumped  a lot between illustrator and photoshop, during this stage. Some lines just didn't come out as strong during inking , or they came in too strong. I was struggling with finding balance with the inks & contrasts. Then I imported the vectors  back into Photoshop ( without losing too much quality) and started coloring.  Somehow this is also a very challenging part for me. this is the stage when all of a sudden I got something like 20 modified layers. A lot of experimentation took place. And then there you have it.  The image is done, I hand in the file  and the shirt and there you have it. Some colors (especially highlights) didn't quite came out as strong as in the digital version, but I guess it's something I still have to learn.

donderdag 23 oktober 2014

Arrow Season 3 Artwork Done

So it's finally done. My Arrow season3 artwork, ofcourse it was done before the premiere and something did happen in the premire whic I did not anticipate in this art work. Ah well.  It was, however shared very often during the premiere night on Twitter and on Instagram, by some awesome poeple. I didn't see that one coming either. Even Caity Lotz ( actress who playes Sara Lance on Arrow )shared it on her facebook! ( say whaaaa......!!) :

maandag 22 september 2014

Arrow season 3 poster sketches

Hey everybody! I've been away for some time but i'm back on the track now. So Arrow season3 is coming up and what a better way to celebrate this than with a making a new Arrow season 3 poster . Here are some sketches I'm working on:

maandag 2 juni 2014

You are a superhero!

For some time now, I’ve been turning my friends into comic book superheroes. This all started when I was trying to think of what to give one of my friends for her birthday. So after a very funny conversation about what kind of powers she would have, right then I figured out what my present to her would be. After that, it’s just became interesting to do the same for other people and I saw that people really enjoyed seeing themselves portrayed like this. There came a lot of requests, but for now I only worked on a birthday-basis. It was also a great opportunity for me to learn more about ‘super-human-anatomy’, inking, coloring and comic book art in general.
It's also a lot of fun to hear how different people few themselves, what kind of talents and powers they have and what their idea of a superhero is. My goal is to translate that image on canvas, capturing the essence and heroism of that person. Each one custom made, and varying from the previous. Below you'll find a collection of these superhero portraits. (O yeah you may also find mine there somewhere):

What you get is: A portrait of you or someone you hold dear ( (boy(girl)friend or someone in your family )as a superhero from a comic book (like batman, superman, you name it ). The suit, the colors ,the equipment, the  weapons and superpowers are completely based on your character, hobbies and talents. The medium is mostly up to you.
You'll get a digital copy(nice profile picture for social media or a poster or a t -shirt!(Or all three).
Are you already interested in a commission? (Or do you know someone who is? ) Send a message to me ( zuleyey@gmail.com ) or share this messsage


vrijdag 30 mei 2014

Speed Paintings

Hey guys! It's time for another update! It's been a while since the last post, but I didn't sit still.Starting a "one- man company" is a lot of work (especially the papers) and I didn't have a lot of time to practice and improve my skills. But still, I've managed to practice some speedpainting. For those who don't know, speedpainting is a style of digital painting, where you give yourself  approximately 1 tot 2,5 hours to put something on your canvas. Most artists use it to set up a basic idea or just for practice. Some of the concpet art in games and  movies is also done using this method. It's been very challenging but also a lot of fun. It forces you to look better at your references and  all roudn you.Also working with a timer is kind of liberating. Without further due here they are: